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| -No Date- Laura Koffman & Wortham KrimmerThis week's Standing OvationCassie & Andrew Carpenter were the perfect couple. She is the beautiful & talented newspaper reporter, he is the handsome, kind minister of St. James Church, and together, they are the loving parents of little River. But for the past year, Cassie's growing attraction to Kevin Buchanan has put a strain on her marriage to Andrew. And then the inevitable happened--Cassie slept with Kevin. While Cassie confessed that she had betrayed her marriage vows. Andrew's response was simple, direct and ultimately devastating: Their marriage was over. The gut-wrenching scenes were straight out of real life---and real-life moments are the most difficult moments to portray. Much of the credit goes to Laura Koffman & Wortham Krimmer."I think he's shocked, bitter and confused, all those things...but to have had Andrew weeping on the floor would have been a huge mistake. He needs to be strong for his son. Those scenes were great because {OLTL's head writers} talked to me about the importance of not indulging or dwelling on the issues, but rather just to be totally in the moment. I didn't have to show everything in one shot because we'd be playing all the different beats over a long period of time. "I had this wonderful scene where I say to Andrew, 'You gave me everything I wanted, fix this for us, make this right' but he can't do it. It's wonderful to see him playing it, cutting me off and stuff, because it makes me want him even more".Koffman defends Cassie's actions even if some viewers feel they may be out of character. "She's got no place else to go. Think about every time you started a relationship. How many hours did you spend together with somebody? You spend 20 out of 24 hours together. So it makes perfect sense that that's where she is."Things get even worse for Cassie after Andrew leaves it up to her to tell their son that she won't be living with them anymore, but that she'll still see him every day. "Those were very harn
-January 19, 1999- Wortham: Hello! Hello to everyone who's out there! Hello online fans. edwinh81 asks: Would you like to see Andrew with a new love interest? Wortham: Oh, absolutely. Without question. I think that his number one priority is getting love into his life. It's a real empty hole for him. natalie548 asks: Mr. Krimmer, I think you're a wonderful actor when given a storyline! Is it true, and I hope not, that you and Laura Koffman were let go from the show? Wortham: Laura Koffman has been let go. I have not been let go from the show. AnnOnnymous asks: Hi! I loved the scenes you had with Michael in the hospital. Were they difficult for you to do? Wortham: No, as a matter of fact they were a pleasure. Working with him was a pleasure. Brynn Thayer just sent me -- she kept all the papers Michael wrote on. She sent me my first conversation with Michael, and he was describing to me how he thought the scene should be played, given his experience with people who tend to talk loudly and gesticulate, forgetting that people with ALS can hear and see perfectly. It was great fun. It was very touching seeing those notes. AnnOnnymous asks: How do they plan to handle Michael's death on OLTL? Wortham: They're leaving it open right now as to how they're going to handle it. I don't know what they decided. They did do a wonderful tribute to him -- they dedicated a show and had a tribute and a wonderful photograph. As to the character of David Renaldi, it hasn't been decided how that will be handled. SoapCity Rose asks: What will your role be in the Broadway tribute to Michael next week? Wortham: My role in it is that I have contributed to the cause and will be participating and being part of it as an audience member. I've been active in ZazAngels and will be there in that capacity. I asked to read opposite Alec Baldwin in "Love Letters," but they didn't think that would be appropriate edwinh81 asks: I love your scenes with Tea, any chance you and Florencia will be working together soon? Wortham: We'll be working together, not in the near future. In the near term, I think she'll have a different love interest, but I think Andrew and Tea are close friends and have a special bond with each other, and I'm sure that wil play into future story for both of them. WNNZelda asks: What do you think about Jill Farren Phelps cutting so many old favorites from the cast? Wortham: I don't know that that's necessarily the case, but I think there have been some major changes in the cast. I think that the ratings certainly are a testimonial to her judgment in that they've gone up, and she's a terrific executive producer. These are tough decisions that every exec producer has to make, and she's making some. I don't know why so many veteran actors have been let go -- I can't answer that. I've been on the show for over 8 years, and although these changes that have gone down have been at many levels painful, particularly for veteran viewers, the show has improved. Do I think these actors are missed? Without question -- I miss them myself. I miss Clint Ritchie tremendoudly. But we're in an incredibly competitive environment right now. Viewership has dramatically declined. If we don't attend to that issue in a major way, there's not even going to be a OLTL to watch Sometimes when the patient's in crisis, you have to perform difficult surgery. I could easily be a victim of this in the future. I would say the same thing if I got my notice to leave. It's the way it goes -- it's the business. I've been in daytime for 12 years, and I've seen this kind of surgery performed by unskilled surgeons on other shows, and it's brutal. In this case, the network and the production team have been around for a while, and it's not like they're coming in as novices. They have a vision and a sense of what it takes to turn the show around. They're putting themselves on the line too -- they're putting themselves and their jobs on the line. There's a lot on the line for everybody. Uncle Slapshot asks: How do you couch any differences of opinion with the writers on Andrew's storylines? Wortham: I do... as you can tell from my last comment, I don't hesitate to give my opinion. Sometimes it's listened to and sometimes it isn't. As an actor, my attitude has always been that I have a right to give my opionion and they have a right to say no. It is a collaborative art and I don't believe actors should remain silent, but I don't think they should go up to the writers every 10 minutes. I choose my battles. Most of the time I feel very listened to. AnnOnnymous asks: I liked the "mashed potatoes" scene with River the other day. Do you like working with the little guy? Wortham: I love working with the little guy! I love that scene too. That was a fun scene to do. I hear a lot of actors that complain about having to work with kids, but I think Andrew is the kind of character who can be used in those sorts of scenes. You want to see how he relates to his son, how he handles those sorts of crises. I think viewers watch sometimes and try to pick up some hints about dealing with their kids. Midnight Wolf 17 asks: how long did it take you to become a star? how long were you unknown? Wortham: I still consider myself pretty unknown... I don't agree with the conclusion that I am a star and widely known. I can't answer that! I'm still just a working actor and looking for work is as difficult for me as for anyone else. I feel very blessed when I'm working. bigkikki4 asks: Would you like to see Jessica Tuck return and start a romance with Andrew? Wortham: Tomorrow, that would be great. Can we do that tomorrow? ddlisa asks: Wortham, I just wanted to thank you for all the wonderful performances and years of dedication you have put in at One Life To Live. You are greatly appreciated. Wortham: I can't tell you how much I appreciate that sentiment. It's a character I love to play, I think we've told some terrific stories, and I think the character is in great shape right now. For a while they were writing the character in a way I didn't recognize, but for the past couple of years they've been writing him in a way that we know what he's about, and I think he's in a great position to be of value to the community. Here's to future stories! Innocence in Indy asks: Was Michael Zaslow a nice person? Wortham: Oh, yeah. Nice doesn't even begin to describe the kind of person he was. He was an incredible guy -- brilliant, multitalented, musician, actor, tremendous father and husband... an amazing guy. Renaissance man, a true renaissance man. edwinh81 asks: Will any of Andrew's family members be returning in the near future? I'd love to see Maggie return or have Ian come back from the dead. Wortham: I'd love to see Crystal return, I think that would be fantastic. We worked really well together and we're friends. I see her all the time. I'd love to see her return. There's still an uncle who's a senator out there -- I'd love to see that part be brought onto the canvas. Just about everyone else in Andrew's family is dead -- Ian, Sloane. So unless we do a night of the living dead kind of episode, I don't think we're going to see too many of them. Marty could come back, though. She's in Ireland. AnnOnnymous asks: If you could pick any woman currently on the show as Andrew's next love, who would you pick? Wortham: Um... I gotta say that I think Andrew still deeply loves Cassie. There's unfinished business there. I don't know what's going to happen with that now. That would be the first choice. The second choice I think... that's a tough one. There's so many women on that show I could see him falling for. Kelly might be interesting... Tea, Blair, I'd jump at the chance to work with any of those folks. BradSnyderFan asks: Will the Revmeister get to play his sax at Club Indigo? :D Wortham: That's an old fan, anyone who refers to me as the Revmeister! I don't see any reason we can't do some saxophone playing. Maybe I'll go up and suggest that. Innocence in Indy asks: How do you think that OLTL will do at the Daytime Emmys? Wortham: We certainly have some strong stuff there for people to show. I think Erika's got some great stuff, Hillary, Bob Woods has some amazing stuff... Florencia has some amazing stuff, Erin Torpey in the young actor category. Roger of course has some amazing stuff with his multiple personalities. There's some actors who had some great story who should do well. It's really a matter of getting nominated. If they manage to get nominated, I think they've got some scenes that could really do it. AnnOnnymous asks: Marty! I thought you had great chemistry with Susan Haskell. Did you enjoy working with her? Wortham: Another person I'd work with in two seconds -- a great friend and a tremendous actress... Great chemistry, professionally and personally. WNNZelda asks: What do you think of the Bo-Nora-Sam storyline? Wortham: I think it's one of the best I've ever seen. I think the storyline's been great. I think this breakup is real. I think there are some character inconsistencies, but that being said, it's created a tremendous opportunity for these two actors to strut their stuff. You'd be hard pressed to find two actors who can strut their stuff better than Hillary and Bob. Perhaps there are aspects of the storyline that were initially ill-conceived, but the actors and the writer will make the best of it. Every problem can be perceived as an opportunity -- they're running with it. That Woman of the Year stuff Hillary did was so good, you almost couldn't watch it. Woods' stuff has been understated and brilliant. What can you say? It's been a great story. I think that one thing I've noticed in my years in daytime is that very often when a storyline initially appears to be going against character, I can't tell you the number of time I've seen actors turn that into opportunity to examine parts of their characters they maybe never thought about. When you get put into that kind of circumstnace -- I remember when Andrew had to have murderous impulses against Todd, and I thought he'd never react that way, and when I had to play that out I realized he was capable of that. I realized it opened up new doors. Sometimes when we balk at what a character's doing, if we sit back and watch the actor play it out it can be come a wonderful storytelling experience. I think that's what's happening wth Nora now, and Hillary's making sense of it. klmangum asks: Andrew -- during the 80's, did you play a role on "Days of Our Lives?" If so, who was your character? Wortham: Yes, I played Cal. Nutsy Cal. He didn't start out nutsy, but he ended up nutsy. I had gotten a job on Knot's Landing and they wanted to bring the character back. When they did, it was played by Joseph Bottoms. gvelco asks: do you consider yourself a role model? Wortham: Only to my children. bickelm asks: Will Andrew ever have a struggle in faith? Wortham: I think he already has, and I hope to have him experience even more struggles in that area. What I would like to see is not the kind you might anticipate. The standard struggle is that you lose faith in God. I'd like to do something where he doesn't lose faith in God, but loses faith in the institution of the church. chesterwhites asks: how do you feel about working on a show without a headwriter? Wortham: I think you could only benefit from the existecne of a strong headwriter because of the unifying vision they provide. That being said, I've been amazed at how well this writing by committee seems to be working, which is a testament to the talent of our current writing team, and of our producers, who are very active in the writing process. I think they'd like to see a strong headwriter or a couple of co-head writers. AngPB231 asks: I saw you playing the crazy emperor on Babylon 5 and all I can say is WOW. Was it fun to do a character who was so totally far removed from the Rev? Wortham: Yeah, it was like the experience of -- you know when you have a good sports car and you keep it in the garage and you take it out and you blow out the pipes? That's how I felt. I did all the things I can't do as Andrew, and it felt great. WNNZelda asks: what's going to happen to River with his mother away? Wortham: I think it's a real problem, and I want them to explore that. I don't know what they're planning, but I would love to see that explored, the impact that that has on River. I'd love to see Andrew in a Mr. Mom situation where he's overwhelmed. Cassie has been there, even though they're divorced. Now he's got the parish plus responsibility for his kid, and the fact that he's a single father. I'd like to see Kelly come in and help, maybe Kevin would be interesting, because Kevin has forged a close relationship with River over the years. That would be a natural for him to help. If the audience agrees with any of this, letters never hurt! ANDREW FAN 1999 asks: What do you do in your spare time? Wortham: I'm doing it as we talk -- I'm in the car on my phone, driving my kids back from swimming practice -- they're both competitive swimmers. When I get home we'll do homework and other stuff. That's what I like to do, and that's what I do. I get a little workout at the Y while they're at swim practice, and that's basically my life. Pretty boring stuff! a sexy mama asks: I have been watching OLTL ever since it came on, and there have been so many changes, but the AIDS quilt was the best that I have seen. You put so much reality into it. Thanks for being on the show. Wortham: Those kinds of comments, I can't emphasize enough how much it means to get comments like that. That was as storyline that not only defined the character of Andrew in the minds of the audience, but as an actor you hope once or twice in your career you get to be part of a storyline that has a positive impact on the audience, and that one did. No question about it. Because of the kind of character Andrew is, and he's one of only 2 clergy even portrayed on daytime, and he's the only one I know of that's able to get married, etc., certainly I get the social issue stuff, which is tremendous. But also Andrew gets hit with the more basic kinds of storyline such as divorce -- when that happens, the fact that everyone knows he's a person who tries to do the right thing, and he's a good person, when the audience sees him struggling in even the more traditional storylines it adds another level that makes it interesting to watch. I don't know whether it's the audience watching the character thinking they'll learn something from the guy, or whether they just enjoy seeing a goody two-shoes get his clock cleaned now and again. Whatever the motive, there's something interesting about watching Andrew endure these traumas. Certainly interesting to play. AlleyColo asks: What denomination is Andrew? I know he's not Catholic because he was married. Wortham: He's Episcopal, which is close. There are some similarities. It's the Church of England, and the Episcopal faith has the roots in the Bishop of Canterbury and the whole Reformation. When I was offered this role, that was a big deciding point in taking the role. I based my decision on the fact he would not be Catholic, because I didn't want to get stuck in the "Thorn Birds" thing. I thought it would be ineresting to play a clergy member who would be free to experience life as other characters -- marriage, divorce, children, struggle like anybody else. edwinh81 asks: Would you like to see Michael Malone return as headwriter? Wortham: That would be incredible. I think he's an incredible writer. I'd love to see that. But these aren't my choices. My opinion isn't important. But for what it's worth, I think it would be tremendous. rthebes asks: how come everyone always goes to the same church? Wortham: I don't know. Sets cost about $100,000 a piece -- that probably has something to do with it DaisyLove26 asks: do you have plans to ever leave the show? Wortham: I almost left the show about 2 years ago -- I felt my interest in being there exceeded their interest in having me. If it were my choice, I would only leave because they weren't getting my character and I was wasting my time. Right now I love the way they're writing my character and I have no desire to leave the show. To leave right now would be like leaving a baseball team that was about to go into the World Series. I really think OLTL is poised for a tremendous year in 1999. I think it's going to be a great year. Uncle Slapshot asks: Would you like to do some legit theatre in the future? Any fave roles you'd like to tackle? Wortham: I've done a lot of theater, earlier in my career. I can't even count the number of plays I've been in. I'd love to go back to theather, but the problem I have right now, because I'm bi-coastal with my family in California and I'm in New York, I can't do any in California because I can't stay away from my work. Until my kids are older I can't see myself doing theater unless it's a short run. There are a lot of roles I'd like to tackle -- Andrei in Chekov's "Three Sisters"... I'd love to play Lear down the road, the Duke in "Measure for Measure". There's a lot. Hopefuly I'll have a chance to do it. VICKNH22 asks: Mr. Krimmer: do you think that the writters will allow Cassie and Andrew to get back together? And what do you think about Cassie thinking that Kevin is you? Wortham: I love that whole thing. I love the way Laura palyed it. I think it's really cool. I love working with Tim Gibbs -- he's a tremendous actor. I love the things Andrew and Kevin do together. I think there's a lot of potential in the Cassie-Andrew-Kevin storyline, but so much is changing so quickly I don't know what the future holds. There's story there, should anyone care to tell it. If the audience thinks this is a story they'd like told, you should write in and make that opinion known. Uncle Slapshot asks: OLTL proved their class by working Zaslow into their story. Bravo. Wortham: Let me say that Jill Phelps, Angela Shapiro and Randy Sebarski and everyone at ABC -- I've never been so proud to work for a network than to work for a network like ABC making that kind of moral decision. How rare is that? They are to be applauded. They put their money where their mouth is -- not only did they bring Michael on to the show but they've been very generous financially in their support of ZazAngels, even now continuing in their support. They have named ALS as their charity for the year. That's Daytime's charity, their full effort is going into finding a cure. That's pretty amazing. BradSnyderFan asks: Why doesn't Andrew run for Mayor? Llanview hasn't had a mayor since Liz McNamara (I think). Wortham: That's a great idea. I'm going to pitch it. Andrew involved in politics -- it would be cool if he had a loss of faith in the instituiton of the church and wanted to be active in the community and found himself gravitating to the area of politics where he thought he could help. He'd probably find himself back in the church. It's not easy to be a politician these days. Politics and religion, oh boy...but that was in jest, Zao88 asks: Do you have any problems with your fame? Wortham: I'm usually flattered. People have been uniformly generous and kind. I've never had a bad experience with a fan, except when that old lady in San Francisco slapped me with her purse when I was playing Cal. Ballerina 18 asks: How old were you when you started acting?? How did you start? Wortham: I started acting almost 22 years ago. I started seriously acting right out of college, but at the same time I was pursuing a law degree. Then I left law school when I was offered a scholarship to the American Conservatory Theater in SF, and I never looked back. It's always been an interest. I always thought it would be great to be an actor. SummerRain2498 asks: what do you think about Jessica being pregnant? Wortham: I think it's a great storyline. i think it's given Erin and opportunity to stretch as an actress and created an incredible moral delimma. It's been an important storyline, because of who these characters are who are involved. I think the resolution of the storyline wil be equally important. gotech98 asks: who has been your favorite star to work with? Wortham: I think among "name" actors I've had the privilige to work with -- I worked wih Marty Balsom on "Twilight Zone", with John Houseman on "The Paper Chase", and John Randolph. Those three actors -- John Houseman had the most impact on me, because we really did work together for a sustained period of time. Uncle Slapshot asks: Wortham, do you agree, OLTL has the most beautiful women in Daytime ??? Wortham: Any woman I have to work with every day is the most beautiful woman in daytime! My son just said, "Dad, you're so weird". I could care less what someone looks like from the outside. If you're talking about on the inside, they're amazing. Erika Slezak, Gina, Florencia, if you know who these women are as human beings, you'd agree that they are the most beautiful women in daytiime. They are the most stunning individuals, and they're not bad to look at, either! venusjax asks: Are you going to be invovled in Jess's adoption story at all? Wortham: I hope so. I think he should be. If in fact that's what's happening. The fans know more about the storyline than I do. marge8986 asks: How did your parents come up with the name Wortham? Wortham: That's my wife's maiden name. The actual name I go by professionally is Robert Wortham Krimmer. Eveyrybody knows me as Krim. twookies asks: Wortham, how does your wife react to your on-screen love scenes? Wortham: She could care less. Really Wortham: Hey, kids, what do you think Mom's reaction is?... My son, who's ten, says, "Her reaction is, 'gee I wish you could kiss me like that'." Then he said, "Truthfully, she doesn't really give a rat's..." Uncle Slapshot asks: How inspirational is it to work with legends like Slezak & Strasser ? Wortham: It is inspirational, both of them. They're such different people. Erika is quiet and totally professional. She defines professionalism. Robin, who's a dear friend, is totally out there. She likes to talk about the scenes and get into it and mix it up. They're different people, but they're both legends. I've learned so much from both of them. Robin lives about a quarter of a mile here from me now in California. I really love Robin. Ballerina 18 asks: Wortham, what do you see in your future when you get out of soaps?? Wortham: I don't know, because I think right now my vision is I would not leave soaps. I can't tell you how satisfied I am at every level being on daytime -- the work is rewarding, I get a lot of time to be with my family. My vision is focusd on that. I'd like 20, 25 years in daytime. I think that would be a gift. So I haven't given much thought to what I'd do if that was not there for me. I guess I'd just see where life took me. edwinh81 asks: Can you give us any hints as to why OLTL is going to have a great year? Wortham: Because I don't think there could be a better network or production or cast composition. I can't imagine it, and I've been around it for 12 years. I think the network execs, the produciton and cast we currently have is so dynamic and focused. I can't imagine that it won't result in superior product. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, but in my gut I feel this is what we've been waiting for. A lot of daytime has to do with chemistry, and everyone is very unified right now. BradSnyderFan asks: Have you met Mark Derwin yet? Wortham: I did. I knew Mark before. Not well, but I just met him in the basement and we talked for about 10 minutes. I'm real excited to have him come on the show. He's going to fill an important niche. He should be on in 2 or 3 weeks. Uncle Slapshot asks: Please thank the entire staff and cast. I love the show, the tears, the laughter, the suspense. It's just great. Wortham: I can't promise I'll be able to thank each of them individually, but I'll do my best! What brought this chat about is that on 1/25, there will be a benefit at the Golden Theatre to raise money for ZazAngels. Alec Baldwin will be reading "Love Letters" along with others who will be doing roles opposite him. There's a reception before hand for those who make an adequate contribution. It's going to be a tremendous event. I encourage everyone who's going to be in New York to get tickets. If you could just purchase a ticket, that would be a tremendous help. I think it's really important that people attend this event and continue to support what Michael started. We need to show the public that our concern that this disease be cured dosn't stop with Michael's passing, but rather that we are even more committed to finding a cure. I really want us to carry that torch, and this is a way to do that. Wortham: Thank you to the fans -- their comments are intelligent, their questions provocative. Particularly the fans that have been with the show a long time, be patient. I know there have been a lot of painful changes and perhaps there will be more in the future. We're in a new environment, and people at the network and show are struggling to find the equation that will result in a great show. Nobody's setting out to make mistakes or destroy the show. To the contrary. Everyone's setting out to create a great show. Thanks for watching and sticking with the show, and keep the faith! | ![](/imagelib/sitebuilder/layout/spacer.gif)
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